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Ashlar DTX 505 02 matte crystal grey

Wybierz soczewkę Przewodnik po rozmiarach
W magazynie
2.632,00 zł
UPC 814981027372
Kup teraz, zapłać później

Więcej o tym modelu

A timeless shape, revived with innovative technology: Ashlar pays tribute to the pioneering men and women whose tireless vision propelled man into space. As part of the Dita-Laminate series, the frame’s internal steel panel is chemically etched, plated, and hand-laminated between two sheets of lightweight acetate; this contrast-pairing technique takes up to three times longer than conventional methods, but results in blade-thin profiles that are thinner, stronger, and lighter than traditional acetate frames. The process is unique to DITA and executed by a skilled team of artisans working at the company’s production facilities in Japan. Boxy optical frames reached iconic status in the 1950s and 60s, when astronauts and engineers on the front lines of the space race made clunky glasses an essential component of the “geek chic” aesthetic that typifies the era. Ashlar retains the popular rounded trapezoidal shape of the late 50s, but introduces groundbreaking technological advances to render its frame in a modern weight. Custom laser-etched stainless steel internal core encased in laminated acetate. Ultra-thin & lightweight profile. Dita’s unique hex screw hinges. 100% UVA and UVB lens with anti-reflective coating. Made in Japan.
  • Kolor ramy okularowej matte crystal grey crystal clear and white gold
  • Kształt ramy okularowejkwadratowe
  • Typ ramy okularowej full rim
  • Styl ramy okularowejclassic
  • Materiał soczewkiplastic demo lenses
  • Kolor soczewki demo lens
Szerokość soczewki
50 mm
19 mm
Szerokość mostka
Długość zausznika
143 mm

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Sugerowany kształt twarzy

image/svg+xml Oval
image/svg+xml Round

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